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The importance of personal growth

Like we discussed in the previous article, personal growth is the progression that takes you from childhood through all stages of your life.
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Like we discussed in the previous article, personal growth is the progression that takes you from childhood through all stages of your life. All aspects of your emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual well-being grow and mature as a result of your personal development.

Plan a Balanced Life

As you mature, taking the time to love and nurture yourself is crucial. It is essential to seek growth in all areas of your life. Achieving success (by your own definition) and peace of mind depends on a well-balanced life. A happy, balanced life will include social and spiritual needs as a life goal. 

While achievement or improvement in any aspect can mean other areas may be given less focus, they must be addressed in the long term, or imbalances will occur. 

For example, we are all aware of someone who has applied incredible drive to their career at the expense of family or personal relationships and deprived themselves of much happiness as a result. Hopefully, someone is not you, and you can learn from others’ mistakes!

Decide, Learn, Act

Personal growth is a process that lasts a lifetime. It embraces techniques that seek to improve your habits and behaviors, motivating you to develop and become a better person. Better is a very subjective term; what constitutes ‘better’ will vary depending on a range of factors, external and internal. 

What is most important is firstly to apply conscious thought to what you consider better. When determinations have been reached (these do not need to be grand, simply an improvement from your current situation in a particular area or facet of yourself), the next step is self-education.  Pursuing knowledge is a quest for a richer, more contented life.

While knowledge alone will move you toward your goal, activating your subconscious mind and conscious and willful actions will get you there much faster.

Growth is Necessary

It is said that Happiness can be described as contentment. However, contentment cannot be continuous if it remains static. It is the nature of humans to be ambitious and to continue to strive. Happiness has to be earned, and a state of joy cannot be maintained without continuous action and growth.

Your desire to know what life is all about increases as life progresses. You compare your life to how you would like it to be in the future. Decision-making becomes more straightforward if you have a clear idea of the direction of your end goal.

Be Proactive

The importance of personal growth should be considered. If you want to build the best possible life for yourself, you have to be the architect.  It would help if you were proactive. You are the one who has to take the steps to move your life in the right direction.

Serious personal development requires you to be consciously aware of the state of all areas of your life. True fulfillment comes from chasing your own goals and bringing them to fruition. By prioritizing what is essential in your life, you will be able to eliminate what is not. 

Adding goals to your busy routine does not necessarily have to mean extra work. Focus on what you want to achieve. Current activities that do not advance you toward your objective can be discontinued. By concentrating more of your efforts towards your destination and less on those that don’t, you will work less but achieve more.

Being Mindful

A mindfulness mindset will prevent you from being overwhelmed by the work required to achieve your goals.  When you are mindful, you are aware of and able to take advantage of every opportunity as it presents itself.

Mindfulness will focus your mind on what is happening as it happens. This process will have you responding more appropriately to every situation instead of blandly watching it pass. This is ‘living in the moment’ instead of simply ‘living through it.’ Your responses will be more informed and positive when you are in the moment.

The hard work and effort to achieve a successful outcome will be forgotten. Being consciously aware alters your attitude and the way you respond to situations. Your life will be happier and more fulfilled when pursuing your dream becomes as exciting and enjoyable as the end result.  

To your happiness,

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