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Personal Development Goals to Increase Happiness

There are countless reasons why embarking on a journey of developping personal goals can pave the way for happiness.
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Once we reach 40, most of us women start asking valid questions about life, happiness, and life.  To increase happiness, it is essential to understand that the joy you feel comes from within. How much you experience this happy emotion depends on how competent and complete you feel within yourself.

Personal Development Goals to Increase Happiness

There are countless reasons why embarking on a journey of developping personal goals can pave the way for happiness. Personal goals may help you:

Improve Your Self-esteem

Your self-esteem is fundamentally the opinion you have of yourself. Self-esteem is a huge driver and determinant of personal happiness. You significantly base how much you deserve happiness and success on your opinion of your worth.

Most importantly, focus on the SELF in self-esteem. Don’t outsource your self-worth to others’ opinions. Empower yourself by putting your opinion of yourself above others’ views. Prove to yourself that you are worthy of a happy, successful life. Start developing and adding to the talents and qualities that make up who you already are. 

Accept that you are who you are and that nothing will ever change that, but know that your attitudes, aptitudes, traits, and even personality are not cast in stone. If you recognize that aspects of yourself may be holding back your happiness, you have the power to modify them.

Don’t ever enslave yourself to trying to totally replicate someone else. However, suppose you can observe behavioral methods in others that increase their happiness, and you can see that it would also benefit your self-esteem. In that case, there is no shame in incorporating those beneficial aspects into your own behaviors. 

Some changes may feel false or contrived at first, but you are whatever you decide you want to be. Nobody is perfect, but everybody is beautiful in their own unique way. Appreciate, respect, and nurture yourself.

Let Go of the Past

Memories from the past have a habit of cropping up and holding you back from success. Your past made you who you are today. However, there is no reason that it should have a total bearing on who you become in the future.

Honestly acknowledge to yourself that the past is now past and that nothing will ever change the results. Forgiving yourself and others will help you move on to a more happy, fulfilling life.

Learn to be Mindful

When you live in the moment, you make more informed and ultimately more beneficial choices. The decisions you make affect the quality of your life and shape your future.

Instead of dwelling on what might happen in the future, concentrate on what is happening at the moment. This allows you to fully appreciate and be grateful for life’s abundance.

Change Your Lifestyle

People who rise early after a good night’s sleep are generally happier and healthier than those who sleep late. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet increase energy levels, allowing you to better ‘switch off’ and feel more relaxed.

Gradually introduce a regular exercise regime and nutritious eating plan into your life. This will not only increase your energy and endurance but also improve your mood and your appearance. As with all aspects of personal development, improvements in this area will have magnified benefits in others, such as self-esteem and self-confidence.

Manage Stress

Acute (short-term), targeted stress can keep you alert and motivate you to achieve your goals. However, constantly elevated or chronic stress levels lead to debilitating distress and ill health that can be the cause of high blood pressure and other health problems.

Effective stress management will let you use beneficial stress to your advantage while allowing you to keep the harmful levels under control. 

Create Balance in Your Life

Your life comprises many essential physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas. A well-balanced life makes you feel whole and complete and brings you harmony and peace.

Make an honest appraisal of your life, state of mind, and how you feel. Reflect on the areas of your life you think are out of balance. Balancing your obligations with what you enjoy and want to do is always a challenge. However, the happiest people are those who can do so.

Let go of Limiting Beliefs

Holding a limited belief in your ability to succeed prevents you from achieving your goals. All fears keep you from growing. Don’t dismiss your fears; challenge them. You get out of your comfort zone when you take risks and try new things. Your fear of failure or getting hurt emotionally, which holds you back, dissipates with each success.

It is not possible to reach a point in your life where you can no longer improve. When you begin to think that you are the best you can be, you find something else that needs improving. There will always be opportunities for increased growth and happiness because human potential is limitless.

To your happiness,

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