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How to improve your own personal growth

Let's explore 5 practical strategies for enhancing your personal development and self-improvement.
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The pursuit of personal growth is crucial at any stage of life. It becomes even more vital as we reach our 40s and beyond, as it is integral to leading a joyful, healthy, and satisfying life. This development can only happen if we actively take measures to nurture it. While we naturally learn through observation and experience as adults, we must be intentional about our personal growth. The outcomes of this proactive approach can lead to a transformative impact on our lives.

For those who want to be the best they can be (or simply better than they are), insofar as being happy, prosperous, or successful by however they define success, it is very possible to rapidly increase this rate of self-improvement.

However, many people do little more than wish for change or improvement but don’t take the proper steps to help it happen. Then, when their lives don’t move as they hope, they may feel stuck, trapped, and despondent.

How to improve your own personal growth

Let’s explore 5 practical strategies for enhancing your personal development and self-improvement.

1. Acceptance of Self

The first and most effective step to increasing personal growth is to start with the essential ingredient: the Love of the self. Learning to love and accept who and what you are makes the progression of self-improvement so much easier. Become your own loving, nurturing best friend. Tell yourself day after day what a unique and special person you are.

Recognize the qualities and abilities that make you a beautiful and worthwhile person. As your self-image improves, you will be motivated to improve even more.

This process underpins successful self-improvement and personal growth because it embraces and builds self-empowerment. A person whose self-worth is totally dependent on the responses of others has little faith in their own ability. Loving acceptance of self builds personal power and trust and weakens the dependence on others to validate personal worth and ability.

2. Improving Your Self-esteem

Start by gradually changing your lifestyle for a healthier one. Exercise and a healthy diet will make you feel happier and more energetic. Small, incremental steps are the key to success here. Gradual change is much more successful than drastic change. 

Start with 10 minutes of exercise a day. When it becomes a habit and is no longer a challenge, increase the time or the intensity.  The same applies to healthy eating. Gradually start eliminating sugar and processed food from your diet and replacing them with natural, healthy foods.

At the time, these small changes were not progress. However, over time, they build up to be a big plus for your self-confidence and health. This enables easier, more energetic progress in all other areas of endeavor. 

3. Building Confidence

Start learning new skills. Begin with something simple that you have always been interested in and feel you will enjoy. Life becomes more exciting when you are learning something new and enjoying it. Nothing builds confidence faster than success. Each new skill adds to your personal growth and encourages you to want to learn more.

4. Failure is O.K

Implementing small, gradual changes in your life until they become a habit is the key to ongoing success. However, it is essential to realize that you may have setbacks. Failure is a natural part of the learning process. When you go beyond your comfort zone, you invite the chance of failure into your life. 

How you accept failure is an essential milestone in how you will continue to grow as a person. Always try new things, and do the very best you can. If you fail, go through the process and reflect on the reason for the failure. Then, try it again differently; every attempt is progress toward self-improvement. Never lose hold of the truth that even if a process, attempt, or task has failed, you haven’t!

5. Accepting Major Change

Life can be challenging at times, especially when fate throws you a challenge that creates a significant upheaval in your life. This may be the norm during bad times from now on. Learning to take one day at a time through the rough patches builds character and is part of the ‘school of life.’ 

You gain confidence in your ability to push through the hard times. Accepting that life itself is constant change helps enable you to bounce back. The suffering you experience during the hard times encourages personal growth. It increases your confidence in your ability to handle whatever life throws at you in the future. Remember the wisdom of Solomon – ‘This too shall pass.’

To your success,

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