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What is personal growth

Personal growth is a process that affects and improves all areas of life. Each pathway towards growth and development is a personalized journey for every unique individual.
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Whether you are 20 years old or 60 years old, everyone should grow. Women over 40 could doubt the possibility of cultivating a growth mindset because of their past. However, these women need to grow because personal development is a lifelong journey in pursuing personal growth. People are born with an inherent desire to live life to its fullest potential. They continue to grow and become everything that they are capable of being.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is a process that affects and improves all areas of life. Each pathway towards growth and development is a personalized journey for every unique individual. The process involves different activities for each person, through which they can add to and enhance their life skills.

Personal development is necessary to achieve progressive growth, leading to success, maturity, and a life of happiness and fulfillment.

Teenagers are well educated in schools on the importance of academic achievements. However, education on personal development is often given a much lower priority.

Unfortunately, most prominence is given to professional and academic achievements. Society generally fails to realize the importance of personal development, yet professional, educational, and personal growth go hand in hand.

Personal Development is Incremental, Often Unnoticed

You may need to realize that you grow as a person every time you increase your knowledge. You become a better, more complete person by reading a book, taking a course, or learning a new skill.

At other times, you may become aware of areas that need improvement. You may suddenly get tired of always being left out of social events. You know it is because you are painfully shy and lack self-confidence. You make the decision to do something about it.

Taking a course in confidence building and communication skills will boost self-esteem. Being confident and feeling good about yourself will improve all areas of your life. The more confident you feel, the more challenges you take on. 

These ‘challenges’ may be tiny, almost seeming inconsequential. Yet, a month ago or a year ago, you may have avoided them out of fear – of inability, rejection, potential embarrassment, or any number of reasons.

Personal growth expands awareness, increases self-knowledge, helps develop talents, and encourages you to continue improving.  When you are grateful for the successful life you are creating for yourself, your happiness and well-being increase.  

Making Choices for Conscious, Faster Improvement

You can choose to work on personal development in different areas of your life at different stages in your life. Personal pathways can embrace improvement in life’s physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and/ or social aspects. 

Having a clear vision of how you want your life to be lets you know what is needed at a specific time.

When you need to push your personal development along, plenty of self-help and education is always available in all subjects.  Books, videos, and development courses, to name a few, are available. The internet is a massive resource.

The Importance of Living Consciously

Conscious living is closely related to personal development. It enables you to take control of your own life. When you live consciously, you make deliberate choices. Good choices help you progress toward your chosen destination and enrich your day-to-day life.

Everybody desires to reach their full potential and become fulfilled, but many suppress it. The pathway of self-actualization requires you to be in touch with your emotions and to live life fully and with total concentration.

Scope Out to View Your Own Personal Growth

Personal development is a natural process throughout life. Sometimes, it happens so slowly over time that you are unaware of how you are changing, yet your life is improving. 

Sometimes, this is only obvious once you take the time to look back over your life and make valid comparisons to former periods of struggle in different aspects of your life. This is a natural human trait – it is well-documented that almost everyone overestimates what they will achieve in a year yet underestimates what they will accomplish in ten years.

This tendency to focus on the short-term means we often need to appreciate the small, steady wins that accumulate over time. Every time a person makes a positive improvement in their lives, it also affects other aspects of their being, so the gains are multiplied and ongoing (like compound interest!). This aggregation is our personal development.

To your success,

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